#Where to get dewormer for hookworms in humans skin#
Humans are not the normal host for these worms, but they can cause a severe skin irritation when the larva migrate through the skin. Infection most often occurs when the larva of the worm comes in contact with exposed skin when the person digs or walks barefoot through contaminated soil. Hookworms are a zoonotic disease, meaning people can also be infected. cockroaches) can carry infective larva and may be eaten by the pet inside the home. Even 100% indoor pets are at risk, as some insects pests (e.g.

Finally, dogs and cats can become infected if they eat another infected animal. The larva then migrate to the intestine where they complete their life cycle. These larva may be ingested, but they also have the ability to invade the skin of pets (and humans) who come in contact with contaminated soil. Eggs are passed in the stool of infected animals, which then develop into infective larva in the environment. Puppies and kittens as well as adult animals can also be infected by ingesting the larva of the hookworm. The larval worm from the dam passes through the mammary gland and into the milk and is ingested by the baby. Puppies are most often infected while nursing. There are several ways an animal can be infected with hookworms. They are more easily identified through laboratory testing. It is rare that a pet owner identifies these worms in the animal’s stool. Hookworms are very small and are very difficult to see with the naked eye. Because they are so common, all puppies and kittens should be routinely dewormed early in life. Kittens are usually infected through the environment. One subspecies of hookworms, Ancylostoma caninum, crosses the mammary tissue of the dam and infects puppies as soon as they nurse. Hookworms are very common in dogs and cats. These worms may move from one site to another in the intestine, leaving bleeding ulcers at each previous bite wound.

A heavy infestation of hookworms in a puppy or kitten can cause severe blood-loss anemia, leading to death. These parasites use their sharp teeth to attach to the interior lining of the host’s intestine where they can consume copious amounts of blood. Hookworms are one of the most dangerous intestinal parasites of dogs and cats because they feed on blood.

Hookworms get their name from their hook-like teeth.